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Why We Should Treat, Not Blame Addicts Struggling to Get 'Clean'

Why We Should Treat, Not Blame Addicts Struggling to Get 'Clean'
Journalist David Sheff's son Nic began using marijuana and alcohol at the age of 12, then heroine and crystal meth. Sheff was baffled; his son transformed from an intelligent … In a follow-up to his memoir "Beautiful Boy," David Sheff has written a …
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Colombian City Plans To Use Marijuana To Fight Drug Addiction: Report
In the United States, several studies have shown that moderate marijuana use has helped cocaine and opioid addicts stay in treatment. However, as ABC News reports, this type of treatment isn't likely to gain steam in the U.S. soon. "Unfortunately …
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Synthetic marijuana, addictive and deadly
It's very, very addictive. Once you start, it's hard to stop.” “Right now, in Tahlequah we have a kid who started using spice and is now listed with 'drug induced psychosis,'” Farmer said. “He is being treated with schizophrenia medication. Doctors do …
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