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When Will Americans Realize That Fascism Is What They Have?

Question by Clatty Mary: When will Americans realize that Fascism is what they have?
Simon Glik, a lawyer, was walking down Tremont Street in Boston when he saw three police officers struggling to extract a plastic bag from a teenager’s mouth. Thinking their force seemed excessive for a drug arrest, Glik pulled out his cellphone and began recording.
Within minutes, Glik said, he was in handcuffs.

“One of the officers asked me whether my phone had audio recording capabilities,’’ Glik, 33, said recently of the incident, which took place in October 2007. Glik acknowledged that it did, and then, he said, “my phone was seized, and I was arrested.’’

The charge? Illegal electronic surveillance.

Full story here:

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Best answer:

Answer by collegekid1987
American police officers are notoriously stupid and are on constant power trips. That doesn’t mean we live in a fascist society.

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