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What Does “Alcohol Related” Mean When Referring to an Accident?

Question by John Smith: what does “alcohol related” mean when referring to an accident?
I am aware that the National Highway Traffic Safety Administration (NHTSA) and Mothers Against Drunk Driving (MADD) often produce statistics about alcohol related accidents. Every attempt to look for what “alcohol related” means in these statistics just brings me to more statistics. I have read on under reliable(not entirely unreliable) pages that “alcohol related” can mean a BAC of 0.01 for at-least one of the parties involved(including passengers), or a measurable amount of alcohol on the “on the person” of or “in the control” of one of the parties(also including passengers) and have also herd an accident qualifies as “alcohol related” if it occurred between 1:00 AM and 4:00 am

I would like to know what “alcohol related” means and where to find the definitions used in statistics.

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Wisconsin (doesn’t need to be state specific)

Best answer:

Answer by David
Means the cause was related to a person drinking alcohol.

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