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Posts Tagged ‘treatment advocacy center’

Seriously Mentally Ill: Moving Away from Institutions to the Community
In the period from 1993 to 2003, the cost of treatment for the mentally ill has shifted from hospitals to drug treatment. The National Institute of Mental Health's website notes, “the percentage … According to Treatment Advocacy Center, “Eight states … Read more on Decoded Science

Trying To Make Sense Of This Whole Shia LaBeouf Plagiarizing Fiasco
Like, say, when Huey Lewis sued Ray Parker Jr. because “Ghostbusters” sounded too much like “I Want a New Drug.” If I listen to both of those songs back …. Celebrity Photos: December 2013. Amanda Bynes headed to outpatient rehab with her mom on Dec. Read more on Huffington Post

Dr. Janet Rowley, cancer genetics pioneer and mentor to women scientists, dies
The result, he said is that, with what used to be fatal diseases, can now be treated on an outpatient basis with drugs taken orally. “It was the very first effective targeted therapy in a human cancer,” Larson said. The reason it took so long between … Read more on

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