Our Voice: Let's get at the root of teen drug abuse problems
We don't intend to give parenting advice in this column, but do give some weight to Kennewick police Chief Ken Hohenberg's statements that, "Trust works both ways in a relationship." And that if a youth is using drugs, it most likely is a symptom of a … Read more on Bellingham Herald
The Ever-Present Problem of Teen Drug Use
Although their drug rehab stints receive far more attention, drug addiction is not limited to former child stars. Teen drug abuse is a widespread problem that has become woven into the fibers of our society. Unfortunately, it does not seem to be going … Read more on Social Work Helper
Group plans to help teens with prescription drug abuse
DENVER β After spending years fighting a battle against Colorado meth use, a Denver based advocacy group is hoping to help parents stop perscription drug abuse. The group, Rise Above Colorado, hosted a kick off event Wednesday night. Through social … Read more on kwgn.com
University Establishes a Recovery Housing Program
Five students are currently enrolled in the BC Recovery Housing program, created through collaboration between several offices in the Student Affairs division, including Residential Life, Health Promotions, Health Services, Alcohol and Drug Education … Read more on Boston College Chronicle
Russell Brand launches fund to raise money for drug and alcohol treatment …
… can help people to recover from addiction." Russell Brand with Tessa Jowell MP on BBC Question Time Brand, who himself is a recovering heroin addict and alcoholic, has become a voice for those in recovery and a frequent talking head on the subject. Read more on The Independent
Alcoholics Anonymous and Addiction Doctors Are Fighting an Outdated Battle
In the United States, where the 12-step program originated, AA is viewed by many as a national treasure of sorts. Social workers send patients to AA meetings. Judges condition people's freedom on meeting attendance. Desperate spouses … Alcoholics … Read more on Slate Magazine
Russell Brand launches alcohol recovery fund
Brand recently announced that he has set up the Give It Up Fund, which is managed by Comic Relief, to aid those leaving alcohol and drug rehabilitation centres to reintegrate into their local communities. βIt's integral that people entering a life of … Read more on The Spirits Business
Question by asonlybettyknowz: How has your social development been effect from growing up, and aging out of an orphanage?
I’m writing a short paper on social development in orphan children who aged out of the system. I’m asking you to share with me how that experience now as an adult effects your everyday life. If you would like to share your story privately please email me. This paper is for a college class and is strictly for education use.
Best answer:
Answer by D_21
I’m not sure what country you’re from, but most developed nations no longer have orphanages. Everything to with that has been switched over to social welfare programs like Child Protective Services and Foster Care Systems.
There are still institutional facilities but they aren’t intended for the same use as an orphanage. There are group homes, placement facilities, youth care centers, and “Residential Treatment Facilities” (a.k.a. RTCs | C= Center) There are also emancipation programs and independent living programs that help kids who have emancipated or who are aging out of the system to get on their feet.
The RTCs etc are usually for children with legal issues who have either broken the law or have been taken out of homes where their parental guardian(s) broke the law. Their parents are still alive they just are not allowed to have custody. The guardian or parents still have parental rights that enable them to approve or disapprove a living arrangement for their child unless a court decides otherwise.
Another branch similar to these include mental hospitals/facilities where kids with psychological issues may be placed. Some are locked facilities and some are not.
There are orphanages that have changed their names or orphanage like places. They’re called Children’s Homes now or youth care centers. The names are deceptive and confusing. I went to a “youth care center” a couple of times and it definitely was not an orphanage. It was a juvenile detention hall/ correction center. Course if you called it that in front of the wrong staff member you’d get a very stern look & be promptly reminded that is was a “youth care center.” Allot of places that house kids try to escape old stigmas and bad publicity or avoid extra audits by redifining themselves with new titles.
I am not an expert, social worker, or professional of any kind . I lived in the system myself as a teenager for several years.
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Question by Billy: What to expect next with friends serious sexual addiction?
My friends sexual addiction is so out of hand. He is up on the intenet all night on manhunt or adam4adam. It is not unusual for him to be with two or three different people a day. When he is not with some one he is looking. It is ruining all of our lives. He won’t admit to the problem It’s getting worse and worse. He cannot support himself sandy more. Along with this he is addicted to crystal. What should we expect next. We cannot afford counseling. I am in orange county California. And can anyone offer advice?
Best answer:
Answer by Nels N
There are free counseling services and programs. Sometimes schools or churches will have someone with experience in your type of problem for free. Like everything though, less money means less options. I’ve heard that ‘The Dream Center” in LA does a lot of good social work type things. It is associated with the Assemblies of God, but their focus is on helping people. I know this is a distance away, but maybe you could call them and they would know of someone in your area.
As for you, make sure you don’t get sucked into his drama. Sex addiction is bad enough, but throw in the legal and medical problems that come with drugs, and things can get out of control in the blink of an eye. Protect yourself.
He already has the one thing that really matters, and that is a friend that cares. I hope you’re able to help him, but remember that it is almost impossible to help someone who refuses to acknowledge a problem. Be there to help him pick up the pieces, but he may have to hit bottom before he realizes there is a problem. I’ll be praying for you and your friend.
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3 Ways To Create A Positive Environment for Teens Recovering from Addiction
As a licensed clinical social worker with more than 30 years in the industry, Patout runs the leading teen residential treatment program in the South, one recognized nationwide for teen rehabilitation. He has guided thousands of teens and parents … Read more on PR Web (press release)
10th Annual Long Beach Spirit of Christmas celebration brings toys, support to …
The event benefited women and children from the Long Beach Women's Shelter, Tarzana Treatment Center, Women to Women and Comunidades con Poder Para el Cambio. Members from more than 20 Southern California motorcycle clubs rode from the intersection of … Read more on Long Beach Press-Telegram
Pregnant Jenelle Evans Arrested After Fight With Boyfriend
The "Teen Mom 2" star was booked on the charge of "breaching the peace," after police responded to a distressed call by the 21-year-old's neighbor. This is not Evans' first arrest. Earlier this year, she was jailed for the possession of heroin and … Read more on Huffington Post
Question by C_P: What do I have to do to become a MFT in the state of california?
anyone who is a MFT or is going to be — let me know….
and useful tips or hints would be great too — I am at a community college right now majoring in psych — I will be transferring to a UC school — I have a 4.0
Best answer:
Answer by jimmaharvey
Before obtaining the MFT license, Marriage and Family Therapists must first complete a two-year masters or doctoral degree program accredited by a regionally accepted body such as the Western Association of Schools and Colleges or approved by the California Bureau on Private Post-Secondary and Vocational Education. The law specifies an integrated course of study that includes “marital and family systems approaches to treatment,” “developmental issues and life events from infancy to old age,” and “a variety of approaches to the treatment of children.”
Marriage and family therapists earn their license through a rigorous education, training and licensing process similar to other mental health professionals.
Marriage and family therapists are well trained
While a minimum of a master’s degree is required, nearly one-fifth of California’s marriage and family therapists also hold doctoral or other advanced degrees.
Applicants for the license must also complete 3,000 hours of supervised experience. Many often choose to complete a portion of the hours during the degree program to integrate their coursework with insights born of practical experience and apply the coursework while it is being learned. Post-degree registered interns may train with a qualified supervisor in governmental entities, schools, colleges, or universities as well as licensed health facilities, non-profit and charitable corporations and private practices.
An emphasis of the marriage and family therapist’s training is diagnosis and treatment of psychopathology from a family system and relationship perspective. The MFT’s integrated course of study also trains generally in a variety of other theoretical frameworks and in the use of various psychotherapeutic techniques. Students also have specific training in alcoholism and chemical dependency issues, human sexuality, and child abuse detection and treatment. They may also obtain experience in administering and evaluating psychological tests.
Marriage and Family Therapists are licensed by the State of California pursuant to the Healing Arts Division of the California Business and Professions Code (beginning with Section 4980). The Board of Behavioral Sciences (BBS) is the licensing and regulatory body for MFTs as well as for clinical social workers and educational psychologists. The MFT licensing exams, which are occupationally-oriented competency-based tests, are a challenging undertaking. Among other key competencies, applicants are tested for their ability to assess, diagnose and treat a range of presenting problems. While the majority pass the written exam, only about half pass the oral exam on the first attempt.
If you would like to read more about how the qualifications of Marriage and Family Therapists compare to other mental health practitioners, such as Clinical Social Workers and Psychologists, read Education, Supervised Experience and Examination: How MFCCs Stack Up.
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Drunk who attacked Sikh cab driver: 'What is wrong with me?'
Larson went on to say he's been participating in alcohol treatment since his arrest β his stretch in lock up is the longest he's been sober since he started drinking β and hopes to pay restitution to the driver once he is released. Through his attorney … Read more on Seattle Post Intelligencer