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Posts Tagged ‘rehabilitation centers’

Question by yeah: Mental Health/ Adolescent inpatient/ I feel crazy?
So, I asked this question before, and I got emails saying I got answers, but the answers didn’t show up? So, let me try a second time.

My name is Martha. I’m 15 years old. I live in in Miami, I have severe social anxiety, and Panic disorder. It has gotten so bad to the point that I’m afraid to leave my house, I easily become anxious over everything, and I’m driving MYSELF insane with my negative thoughts. I’m depressed, not motivated, had to start online school this year because of how much panic attacks I got last year, and my lack of concentration. Everything is just getting worse by the minute.

My medical insurance, SUCKS. I’m crazy and I’m poor as hell? Uh, not good combination. I have medicaid. It’s not accepted by most “phsycosocial rehabilitation centers” here in miami. Which Is where I want to turn myself into, somewhere to stay, somewhere where I can get better. Not only that but most phsycosocial rehabilitation centers only offer help to adults. Isn’t that cool. I have EXHAUSTED myself trying to find Inpatient centers, treatment centers, phsycosocial rehabilitation centers, that help adolescents. I have found a couple. They look like they suck though.

So, here’s my question. When people turn themselves in to a mental hospital, treatment center, wherever, for a mental illness, do they actually feel better afterwards? Do people in the treatment centers help them face their fear? I mean, my mental disorder is SOCIAL ANXIETY. Do they acknowledge that, and help me face it to live independently? Do studies show that Mental health centers really do help the mentally ill?

Thank you for taking your time to read this ridiculously long passage. I’m desperate, I need help, and if you live in miami, and know anywhere where I can go, that would be great too. Please help me.

Best answer:

Answer by Maria
Your not alone. And your not crazy. You said it. You are in a state of nervous EXHAUSTION that comes with a nervous illness and it is very bewildering. That is why you are looking all over for answers.
Dr. Claire Weeks perhaps at your local library, a helpful little book Self-Help for Your Nerves. She became a scientist while having an anxiety disorder.
Good little book to help you to understand. And this is the beginning of practicing how to cope.

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Pop Star Ke$ ha Checks Into Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center For
Pop star Ke$ ha has reportedly checked into a rehab facility seeking a 30-day treatment for an undisclosed eating disorder. Us Weekly reported that Ke$ ha is at the Timberline Knolls Residential Treatment Center, southwest of Chicago, which is the same … Read more on International Business Times

Ke$ ha admits herself into rehab to treat eating disorder
Yesterday, Ke$ ha reportedly admitted herself to a rehab center to confront an apparent eating disorder, according to Billboard. Following the release of her self-directed "Dirty Love" video earlier this week, she admitted herself into a Chicago-area … Read more on Music Times

Rezoning inn for rehab center to face Hilton Head council vote
The rezoning would allow for clinical services, including diagnosis, treatment and rehabilitation for drug and alcohol dependency, and mental health needs of nonviolent patients. Treatment would include overnight lodging, according to Nester and town … Read more on Hilton Head Island Packet

Question by Tod: Alcoholism essay help (10 points)?
I am trying to figure out a concluding sentence for my research paper on alcoholism. If any of you could help me that would be great.
I summarized alcoholism as a whole. If it helps, here is my outline.


Paragraph I: Introduction

A: What is Alcoholism?

B: (cite:

Paragraph II: Cause & Short Term Symptoms

A: What are the causes of Alcoholism?

B: Short Term Symptoms

Paragraph III: Long Term Symptoms & Treatment

A: Long Term Symptoms

B: Treatment

Paragraph IV: Conclusion

A: Cause & Short Term Symptoms

B: Long Term Symptoms & Treatment

C: Thoughtful ending sentence

Best answer:

Answer by Haley R
Well, it’d be better if I was able to read the paper..
but maybe say something like “Alcoholism affects more than just the alcoholic, it affects all of those that are around the alcoholic.” or maybe if you have different points of what alcholism is.. you could say, “__, __, and __ are all signs of alcoholism.” or maybe, “There are countless ways to seek help for alcoholism, such as Alcoholics Annonymous, Rehabilitation Centers, and even organizations found in your very own city.”

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Question by sheashea09: If the purpose of prison is rehabilitation what should a program look like?
3rd part of final
What can you do in this rehab program, what are the rules.

Best answer:

Here is one you can take some ideas from.~
A government-backed program that seeks to rehabilitate Iowa prison inmates by converting them to fundamentalist Christianity violates the U.S. Constitution, Americans United for Separation of Church and State charged in a pair of federal lawsuits filed today.

Americans United is challenging state promotion of the InnerChange Freedom Initiative, a program run by Charles Colson’s Prison Fellowship. In the lawsuits, AU charges that InnerChange constitutes a merger of government with religion. The program indoctrinates participants in religion, discriminates in hiring staff on religious grounds and gives inmates special privileges if they enroll.

The InnerChange program is currently in operation in Iowa, Kansas, Minnesota and Texas, and a similar program is under consideration for use in the federal prison system as well. President George W. Bush and other advocates of “faith-based” social services have praised InnerChange as a model program.

But Americans United insists the arrangement is deeply flawed.

“This program is one of the most egregious violations of church-state separation I’ve ever seen,” said the Rev. Barry W. Lynn, Americans United executive director. “It literally merges religion and government.

“It is unconscionable for the government to give preferential treatment to prisoners based solely on their willingness to undergo religious conversion and indoctrination,” said Lynn. “Officials should use public funds to help rehabilitate all prison inmates, not just those who are willing to convert to fundamentalist Christianity.”

Continued Lynn, “Sadly, President Bush sees nothing wrong with an arrangement like this and indeed wants to spread it across all social services, affecting all Americans. It’s a dangerous agenda that must be stopped.”

Americans United filed suit on behalf of Jerry D. Ashburn, an inmate at Newton Correctional Facility in Newton, Iowa, who objects to the program’s religious tenets. A separate suit was filed on behalf of family and friends of Newton inmates who also object to the sectarian emphasis of the program.

Both lawsuits assert that InnerChange is based entirely on fundamentalist Christianity. InnerChange materials describe the program as “a revolutionary, Christ-centered, values-based pre-release program supporting prison inmates through their spiritual and moral transformation” and says it is “explicitly Christ-centered.”

In addition, InnerChange openly discriminates in hiring staff on religious grounds, despite its support from public funds. All employees must be Christians who are willing to sign a statement of faith that reflects fundamentalist Christian dogma.

InnerChange staff do not hesitate to discuss the group’s sectarian goals. Jack Cowley, national director of operations for InnerChange, told The Non-Profit Times in 2002 that the program seeks to convert inmates to fundamentalism. “From the state’s point of view, the mission is to reduce recidivism,” Cowley said. “From a ministry point of view, our mission is to save souls for Christ.”

The lawsuits also note that inmates in the InnerChange program receive much better treatment than inmates in the general population. InnerChange participants, for example, have keys to their cells and have access to private bathrooms. They are allowed to make free telephone calls to family members and are given access to big-screen televisions, computers and art supplies. These benefits are not extended to general-population inmates.

Newton officials fund InnerChange in part by charging general-population inmates and their family members exorbitant rates for telephone calls. The profits are then used to pay for 40 to 50 percent of InnerChange’s costs. Housing for the program is also completely subsidized with public funds.

This unusual funding mechanism means that all inmates and their family members and friends who wish to communicate by telephone are forced to support InnerChange. Americans United expects other plaintiffs to join the cases as they get under way. AU attorneys urged Newton inmates (or those who pay into the phone fund on their behalf) to contact AU. Persons who are interested in counseling prison inmates in Iowa and are qualified to do so, but do not meet InnerChange’s religious criteria for employment, also may be eligible to join the case.

“These cases have substantial implications for President Bush’s faith-based initiative,” said Ayesha Khan, Americans United’s legal director. “The president says it’s okay to use public dollars for religious discrimination, and we say it’s not. These cases will be among the first to determine how far the government can go in funding religious programs.”

In addition to AU’s Khan, other attorneys involved in the lawsuits include AU Litigation Counsel Alex Luchenitser and local counsel Dean Stowers, a constitutional lawyer with the Des Moines law firm of Rosenberg, Stowers & Morse.

The cas

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Rainbow Rehabilitation Opens Farmington Hills Treatment Center
Rainbow Rehabilitation Centers, which provides services to people with brain and spinal cord injuries, celebrated the opening of its new Farmington Hills treatment center on Dec. 11, with employees and healthcare professionals from around metro Detroit. Read more on

Latest A Forever Recovery Blog Looks at the Benefits of Seeking Inpatient
A Forever Recovery, a leading addiction treatment center that has pioneered a moral reasoning approach to recovery that empowers each individual client to access the spiritual, cognitive, and fellowship support that they need, has published a new blog … Read more on PR Web (press release)

Inside The Luxe 0K Per Year Rehab Center 'Affluenza' Teen Will Attend After
People can't just do what they want to whenever they want to, so people have to follow our schedule and abide by our guidelines,” Monroe Jr. contests, defending his luxury treatment center. “So Ethan, if he were to come to us will have significant … Read more on Radar Online

China continues rights abuses even as labor camps ditched: Amnesty
BEIJING (Reuters) – China is increasingly using extra-judicial "black jails" and drug rehabilitation centers to punish people who would formerly have been sent to forced labor camps, rights group Amnesty International said on Tuesday. China vowed last … Read more on GlobalPost

Fear of Dying Alone Drove a Panhandler to Seek Drug Rehabilitation
His fear of dying alone reached a crisis point, and in February 2012, he checked into an inpatient residential treatment program run by the Addicts Rehabilitation Center. During his stay, Mr. Henegan began looking for work, only to discover that his … Read more on New York Times

A jail by another name – China labor camps now drug detox centers
Many of China's re-education through labor camps, instead of being abolished in line with a ruling Communist Party announcement this month, are being turned into compulsory drug rehabilitation centers where inmates can be incarcerated for two years or … Read more on GlobalPost

Drug Rehabilitation: Acceptance helps recovery from addiction
“Best Drug Rehabilitation Centers” is an example of a website that helps addicts and their loved ones find the best program for their needs. This website showcases a number of rehab centers that are provide effective, professional services for … Read more on Canadian National Newspaper

Negative perception derails drug addicts' recovery
Therefore, conducting the rehabilitation process at mosques such as done under the Spiritual Enhancement Drug Addiction Rehabilitation Programme (SEDAR) is one of the best methods of treatment. Not only does it open up the channel for better … Read more on Sin Chew Jit Poh

Toward a new life: Overcoming addiction in Afghanistan
Inside the Balkh Drug Addicts Rehabilitation Hospital, the window is open, bringing in heat and fresh air, as nine women try to start a new life without addiction. The women, who had harsh experiences with drugs in the past, are sitting on beds dressed … Read more on Spartan Daily

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