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Posts Tagged ‘prescription drugs’

Naloxone may reverse deadly effects of drug overdoses
April Rovero lost her college-aged son Joey to a combination of alcohol and prescription drugs including opioid and Oxycontin. While the former football … Addiction specialist Gantt Galloway helps run the New Leaf treatment center in Contra Costa County. Read more on

Taxpayers to foot the bill for “affluenza” teen's treatment
The judge ruled that Couch would have to undergo long-term treatment at an alcohol rehab center and sentenced him to probation. Now, the victims' families are outraged by the latest details released in the case. The state-run facility that is taking … Read more on

Lindsay Lohan Allegedly Relapsed At Coachella, Which Is Exactly Where You'd
Lindsay Lohan in New York City April 2014 I'm no doctor, but Coachella isn't another name for a rehab facility that Lindsay Lohan spent spent her weekend at, right? Just want to make sure I have it right, that that's a notoriously alcohol- and drug … Read more on Crushable

Chrisley Knows Arrest! Reality Star's Secret Assault Charges REVEALED
Apparently a two-month stay in rehab wasn't enough for Kyle Chrisley to overcome his demons. More than two years after receiving treatment at a drug, alcohol and dual-diagnosis center, has exclusively learned that the Chrisley Knows … Read more on Radar Online

Question by Dahoss65: Drug differences?
What are the differences between…
1) Sedatives
2) Tranquilizers
3) Anesthetics

Best answer:

Answer by Grrr
Sedatives and tranquilizers have similar effects.

A sedative-hypnotic is a substance that depresses the central nervous system (CNS),[1] resulting in calmness, relaxation, reduction of anxiety, sleepiness, and slowed breathing, and possibly – at higher doses – slurred speech, staggering gait, poor judgment, and slow, uncertain reflexes. Doses of sedative-hypnotics when used as a hypnotic to induce sleep tend to be higher than those used to relieve anxiety.

Prescription sedatives and tranquilizers can cause euphoria. They also slow normal brain function, which may result in slurred speech, shallow breathing, sluggishness, fatigue, disorientation and lack of coordination or dilated pupils. During the first few days of taking a prescribed sedative or tranquilizer, a person usually feels sleepy and uncoordinated, but as the body becomes accustomed to the effects of the drug, these feelings begin to disappear. Higher doses cause impairment of memory, judgment and coordination, irritability, paranoid and suicidal ideation. Some people experience a paradoxical reaction to these drugs and can become agitated or aggressive. Using Prescription sedatives and tranquilizers with other substances – particularly alcohol – can slow breathing, or slow both the heart and respiration, and possibly lead to death.

Anesthesia, has traditionally meant the condition of having sensation (including the feeling of pain) blocked. This allows patients to undergo surgery and other procedures without the distress and pain they would otherwise experience. Another definition is a “reversible lack of awareness”, whether this is a total lack of awareness (e.g. a general anaesthestic) or a lack of awareness of a part of a the body such as a spinal anaesthetic or another nerve block would cause.

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Preparing art for drug awareness display
Grade 9 student Tiernan Abel traces out the shape of a marijuana leaf, as part of the art for his display on drug and alcohol awareness at the Weyburn Junior High on Thursday. The Grade 9 Health students are preparing displays and information for the … Read more on S.E. Saskatchewan Booster

Six percent of CSU students abuse prescription drugs like Adderall, Ritalin
“(John's) parents are passionate about getting people comfortable with helping and raising prescription drug awareness, because though they are legal, they are very dangerous,” said Katelynn Drury, a CREWS peer educator. “Death from prescription drug … Read more on Rocky Mountain Collegian

Northern Valley parents create drug coalition
The coalition is designed to function as a community-based organization to provide effective substance awareness education.Northern Valley Coalition Co-President Melissa Driscoll leads the presentation on the newly-organized coalition. Driscoll pulled … Read more on

NJ split on legalizing marijuana, Monmouth/APP poll says
Although 59 percent of those who took the poll say alcohol use is more dangerous than marijuana, and 58 percent say tobacco is more dangerous, people have reservations about treating pot the same way as alcohol and tobacco, according to Murray. “I … Read more on

Pot of Gold: Or the Outlook for Marijuana Business
It's also unquestionable that other forms of pain relief are addictive and the side effects are onerous. A friend in a mid-west state without medical marijuana legislation is battling drug addiction from pain killers that nearly caused the loss of her … Read more on ChicagoNow (blog)

Capeless: Heroin Creating 'Public Health Crisis'
It's heroin addiction caused by overreliance on prescription medication to treat pain," Capeless said. "Last year, in 2013, we saw a … In 2009, a national survey found that prescription drugs were the second most abused by teens behind marijuana … Read more on

YOUR VIEW: Pot, methadone: Is there a difference?
That said, heroin addicts do not deserve the same level of sympathy as the patients that need medical marijuana. What prompted this letter was … As a side note, heroin users usually do not seek treatment until they are desperate. It makes me wonder … Read more on Bristol Press

Question by Andrew: Prescription Drugs “Abuse”?
I have access to some prescription drugs such as cymbalta. I was wondering if it’s similar to things like hydrocodone where they don’t get you high, but when you’re not prescribed to it, it normally makes you feel chill, like some sort of other high. I was wondering if cymbalta makes you feel the same, or how it does make you feel when it’s not needed?

Best answer:

Answer by Tink
Cymbalta is a wicked drug. And I don’t mean that in a good sense. For starters it’s known to cause something called cymbalta withdrawal syndrome when taking it AS PRESCRIBED in as little as a week, and that can last up to a year.

Antidepressants aren’t something that can be abused for fun, and can be rather dangerous.

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Students confront substance dependency
About 50 students per year seek help cutting back on substance use from Kathleen McSharry, who currently holds the position. The second in a two-part series … Fred identifies as someone who has struggled with addiction. But according to the … Read more on The Brown Daily Herald

America's Heroin Epidemic: Where to Find Help
The Partnership at provides a toll-free helpline and nationwide support service for parents (and other primary caregivers of children) who want to talk to someone about their child's drug use and drinking. The Helpline number is … Read more on

'JoJo' Burhoe detained after failing drug tests
Burhoe, who was 44 at the time of his arrest, had asked to be sent to an in-patient drug treatment center for an addiction that, his lawyer said, resurfaced after he underwent surgery on his mouth and was prescribed oxycodone. He had been sober for 12 … Read more on Boston Globe

India's Sun Pharma plans gradual phase-out of Ranbaxy-branded drugs in US
Sun Pharma concedes the road to the recovery at Ranbaxy is set to be long and challenging. The all-share … "It will take time, it is not going to come easily, it will take a lot of effort, but hopefully we should be able to help them resolve the … Read more on Chicago Tribune (blog)

Help stop the spiral: "Take Back" unused prescription drugs
But Tyler's addiction didn't start with Heroin. His spiral started in high school with marijuana and then prescription drugs. Sadly, Tyler's story is far too common across Wisconsin, in communities big and small. Young people experiment with … Read more on Swnews4u

Question by : Is rehab necessary for addicts?
Rehab Treatment New Jersey is a fully licensed and certified Rehabilitation Center for all those who are in the clutches of drug and alcohol addiction.

Best answer:

Answer by Jack
a friend of mine went to rehab for a few months for extacy the first thing he did when he got out was smoke weed get drunk and do extacy

waste of money if you ask me.

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Erin Henderson sober, eager for another chance in NFL
Erin Henderson never thought his alcohol and marijuana use affected his play on the field. In fact, Henderson felt his sixth … Doctors had recommended rehab in the past, but the second arrest was "the extra kick in the butt I needed." He left the … Read more on USA TODAY

Heroin addicts seeking sobriety face barriers to receiving treatment
DiRenzo spent years trying to get help for him, but was denied for many reasons – she was constantly told she didn’t meet the "criteria" for treatment centers, she even got turned away from emergency rooms because doctors say alcohol withdrawal … Read more on The Patriot-News

NJ Transit should be sensible about medical marijuana: Editorial
He was packed off to rehab for two months, alongside a bunch of heroin addicts and alcoholics. He hasn't worked or received … prescription drugs at work. As a decent employer, NJ Transit should do all it can to accommodate him, not treat him like an … Read more on

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