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Question by Kristi G: What do you think about Albania?

Best answer:

Answer by bla bla
I don’t know first-hand, but from what I read the country needs a lot of improvements before tourism is encouraged
(a) a nightmare to visit by road if I read the official Dutch and UK ministry departments (giving travel advice)
(b) dubious medical facilities which need improvement
(c) beaches with sewage

– (translated from Dutch site) Albania is a mountainous country and the roads are often poor and unlit. In addition, you should note that are a relatively large number of drivers who drive under the influence of alcohol
– (from British site) ” Driving can be very hazardous. Roads are poor, especially (but not only) in rural areas. In winter, mountain roads are snowy and icy. During hot spells, the tarmac can melt and become slippery. Flash flooding is possible throughout the year. You should stay alert for large, unmarked potholes. Street lighting in urban areas is subject to power cuts. Elsewhere, except on the major inter-urban arterial routes, there is no street lighting, so night travel is best avoided” “Albanian driving can often be aggressive and erratic. Minor traffic disputes can quickly escalate, especially as some motorists are likely to be armed. If you intend to drive you are strongly advised to avoid reacting to provocative behaviour by other road users”

– (translated from Dutch site) The medical facilities, particularly outside Tirana, leave a lot to be desired.
– (from British site) “Medical facilities (including those for accident and emergency use) are very poor, particularly outside Tirana. We do not recommend using the dental facilities”

– (from British site) “Albania does not have a blue flag operator, and there is no recognised similar system of assessment of beaches. However, several beaches along the Albanian coast are reported by the Albanian press to be polluted as a result of inadequate sewage disposal and treatment”

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