Question by chicagoanswerer: Why is it acceptable to drink alcohol but not smoke pot?
Just curious what others think about this. They say alcohol kills so many hundreds of thousands each year yet in the history of the world no-one has died from marijuana. A study was also recently released that stated marijuana smoke does not cause cancer. Marijuana is also proven not to be physically addictive as both alcohol and ciggarettes are. And to top it off the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place is because Harry J. Anslinger testified to congress it caused white women to seek black men, people to kill their brother, and the degenerate races to think they were as good as the white man, absolutely none of it was based on any science. Just curious why people’s attitude towards alcohol is great and people look down upon marijuana?
Let me clarify, I’m not asking about how we view the people who smoke pot, I’m asking how we view pot itself. And for those comments about pot smokers being stupid, though there is the stereotype of the stoner many many many potheads are academics, scientists, professors, writers, lawyers, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by amancalledj
People with power and influence crusaded and manipulated the government to make it illegal. It’s as simple as that.
This is not some hippie political statement. I don’t smoke pot.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!
Atlanta Drug Rehab Announces Program in Response to National Report on …
Atlanta, GA (PRWEB) November 25, 2013. An Atlanta drug rehab is announcing that a program developed in response to a national report on illicit drug use is now being offered at Drug Addiction Treatment Centers. According to a national report from the U … Read more on Virtual-Strategy Magazine (press release)
Chris Brown Tried to Keep Marijuana in Rehab — Report
Don't worry. It's just medicinal. That was Chris Brown's explanation for wanting to keep marijuana with him during rehab, reports TMZ. The singer reportedly told facility staff that the drug was prescribed by a doctor to help Chris fight his depression … Read more on Wetpaint
Question by chicagoanswerer: Why is it acceptable to drink alcohol but not smoke pot?
Just curious what others think about this. They say alcohol kills so many hundreds of thousands each year yet in the history of the world no-one has died from marijuana. A study was also recently released that stated marijuana smoke does not cause cancer. Marijuana is also proven not to be physically addictive as both alcohol and ciggarettes are. And to top it off the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place is because Harry J. Anslinger testified to congress it caused white women to seek black men, people to kill their brother, and the degenerate races to think they were as good as the white man, absolutely none of it was based on any science. Just curious why people’s attitude towards alcohol is great and people look down upon marijuana?
Let me clarify, I’m not asking about how we view the people who smoke pot, I’m asking how we view pot itself. And for those comments about pot smokers being stupid, though there is the stereotype of the stoner many many many potheads are academics, scientists, professors, writers, lawyers, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by amancalledj
People with power and influence crusaded and manipulated the government to make it illegal. It’s as simple as that.
This is not some hippie political statement. I don’t smoke pot.
Add your own answer in the comments!
Question by chicagoanswerer: Why is it acceptable to drink alcohol but not smoke pot?
Just curious what others think about this. They say alcohol kills so many hundreds of thousands each year yet in the history of the world no-one has died from marijuana. A study was also recently released that stated marijuana smoke does not cause cancer. Marijuana is also proven not to be physically addictive as both alcohol and ciggarettes are. And to top it off the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place is because Harry J. Anslinger testified to congress it caused white women to seek black men, people to kill their brother, and the degenerate races to think they were as good as the white man, absolutely none of it was based on any science. Just curious why people’s attitude towards alcohol is great and people look down upon marijuana?
Let me clarify, I’m not asking about how we view the people who smoke pot, I’m asking how we view pot itself. And for those comments about pot smokers being stupid, though there is the stereotype of the stoner many many many potheads are academics, scientists, professors, writers, lawyers, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by amancalledj
People with power and influence crusaded and manipulated the government to make it illegal. It’s as simple as that.
This is not some hippie political statement. I don’t smoke pot.
What do you think? Answer below!
Question by chicagoanswerer: Why is it acceptable to drink alcohol but not smoke pot?
Just curious what others think about this. They say alcohol kills so many hundreds of thousands each year yet in the history of the world no-one has died from marijuana. A study was also recently released that stated marijuana smoke does not cause cancer. Marijuana is also proven not to be physically addictive as both alcohol and ciggarettes are. And to top it off the whole reason it was made illegal in the first place is because Harry J. Anslinger testified to congress it caused white women to seek black men, people to kill their brother, and the degenerate races to think they were as good as the white man, absolutely none of it was based on any science. Just curious why people’s attitude towards alcohol is great and people look down upon marijuana?
Let me clarify, I’m not asking about how we view the people who smoke pot, I’m asking how we view pot itself. And for those comments about pot smokers being stupid, though there is the stereotype of the stoner many many many potheads are academics, scientists, professors, writers, lawyers, etc.
Best answer:
Answer by amancalledj
People with power and influence crusaded and manipulated the government to make it illegal. It’s as simple as that.
This is not some hippie political statement. I don’t smoke pot.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!