Ski area: snowboarders' suit demeans Constitution
In a lawsuit filed in federal court in January, four snowboarders claimed Alta ski area's ban violates the Constitution's promise of equal treatment. In their rebuttal filed late last week, Alta ski area lawyers say snowboarders' citation of the 14th … Read more on Brownsville Herald
Freeing Up California's Prisons: A Massive Undertaking
In Texas, for instance, Gelb says the state invested into expanding treatment programs, probation programs, drug courts and other alternatives for lower-level, nonviolent offenders. "Policy makers in the states are seeing research about risk assessment … Read more on Utah Public Radio
White House official addresses Utah's prescription drug abuse problem
SALT LAKE CITY — Utah has led the nation in prescription drug abuse and overdose deaths, and the state's pain pill problem has caught the attention of the Deputy White House Drug Policy Director who was in Salt Lake City Friday. “Our 22-year-old son … Read more on
Speed & politics: amphetamine political economy
Today's users take their amphetamines and pharmaceutical amphatamine derivatives in order to lose weight, cheer up, work harder, think faster, or just for fun…others take SSRI antidepressants to cheer up, work harder, and lose even more weight … Read more on (blog)
No, police are not re-opening Kurt Cobain death investigation
Some fans seem unwilling to believe that Cobain, whose name was synonymous with the movement called Grunge that transformed rock, fled into the arms of death to escape the torments of depression and drug abuse in 1994. Then news on Thursday that a cold … Read more on — Quad Cities News & Weather from WQAD
New Drug Court in the Works for Women
"Seeing them come in as beaten down beat up, all of the sudden they're on the other side being prostituted and they're drug addicted and so what happened? " Oasis House Director Cheryl Oliver said Thursday. Aiming to address the vicious cycle of … Read more on WKEF ABC 22
Chris Brown Battling His Demons Again?
The report goes on to say that Brown had been kicked out of the Malibu rehab program for a violation not having anything to do with anger, drugs, or alcohol. Why Brown was allegedly booted from his treatment is still unknown. Chris Brown is no stranger … Read more on Guardian Liberty Voice
The Record: Fighting drugs
However, Governor Christie has been forward thinking on this as well, as demonstrated by his support for the state's drug court program, which lets low-level offenders who are addicts get help at substance-abuse treatment centers instead of prison. Read more on
Fresh Start Behavioral Services Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Salt Lake …
Fresh Start Behavioral Services Drug and Alcohol Rehab Center in Salt Lake City Now Open. Fresh Start Behavioral Services, LLC is now offering free consultations on their affordable drug and alcohol treatment programs. More information is available … Read more on PR Web (press release)
Blabs from celebrities in rehab
Similarly, it was only when Grant Denyer's story was splashed across the pages of Woman's Day that the former weatherman confirmed he and his wife had been at one of Asia's most respected drug and alcohol rehab centres, The Cabin in Thailand. However … Read more on Brisbane Times
Question by ShrimpStew: Has Anyone Ever Undergone “Rapid Detox”?
Please advise if this treatment was beneficial to you or not and why…Thank you.
Thanks Jared. My spouse has not been successful yet at tapering down from Suboxone. He has been on the so called “Suboxone” treatment and is desperate to be free of the trap.
Best answer:
Answer by Jared
I have never undergone this treatment, but have assisted in the administration and know quite a bit about it.
Personally I think it is unwise to go through and moreover is misleading.
Especially regarding Opiates.
A Rapid Detox is the administration of a “Narcon” type agent to cause opiates to unbind from receptors and thus be flushed from your system.. while your are made somewhat oblivious to the process.
Now, this sounds great in theory,.. but in reality detoxing is just the beginning, and you WILL still feel the effects of the drug being out of your system after this is done.
It isn’t a magic way to get ‘clean’.
Your body has opiate receptors all across the brain and even in your intestinal tract, etc. These receptors have adapted themselves to the presence of the drug of your choice over time (hence the addiction you have, and tolerance).
The body ‘heals’ itself.. but it is in a constant battle to maintain homeostasis, that is the remain balanced. This , however, takes time.
72 hours, or even 1 week is not nearly long enough to down regulate the adaptations and upregulate your endogenous production of opioids.
So, after your ‘rapid detox’ — the active metabolites of the drug will be out of your blood stream, but your body won’t be ‘normal’.
You will still have to do the ‘time’ to allow the brain to readjust, and body. This can take anywhere from 6months to over a year in some cases. This is unique, but there is a strong correlation to how long it will take to fully recover and how long one has used the drug.
IE: If a person used/abused opiates for 10 years, they will likely require about a year to fully feel ‘normal’. I’ve seen many people 6 months clean that are still miserable and fighting every day not to use because of this feeling. But everyone DOES, eventually, re-regulate and feels emotionally, mentally, and physically well IF given enough time without using.
Now, some people who have used for say a year or less.. can feel quite normal in as little as 1-3 months, due to the body not having adapted to the extent of the former example.
The only way I would ever really advise rapid detox is with the following conditions:
1) You have never been successful in weaning yourself off the medication or going cold turkey. (And you have tried MANY times.. with help.)
2) You MUST have a plan for post detox. IE: Attending AA meetings (or NA) regularly. Getting clean is really the easiest part of the whole ordeal despite how agonizing it can seem to be. Staying clean, and working out how to fill the void and cope with life on lifes terms is something you have to work at, but it is well worth it.
3) The medically assisted Rapid Detox is done by a reputable clinic, preferably in an inpatient hospital setting. (There are some fairly shady and dangerous clinics that perform this procedure and there have been ‘deaths’ from it).
So ultimately I do NOT advise it. For the main fact that it is highly misleading to the patient and even family/friends. Most people think they go in, and in a few days they are miraculously done and clean. When the addiction and problem is still right there not dealt with. It can be a great first step, but there are many steps that follow and need to be planned before that step is taken.
Make sense?
Good luck,
What do you think? Answer below!
Detoxing prisoners still exposed to drugs
Inmates on some drug-free wings are being provided with yoga, deep tissue massage and other holistic therapies in an attempt to break them of their addiction to drugs, the Ministry of Justice report said. The assessment of pilot projects in five jails … Read more on The Times (subscription)
'We have a problem': Leaders say Madison County heroin epidemic worsens
Becker said the elementary schools in Highland also have anti-drug programs, but the programs specific to heroin use need to be toned down before being presented to that age group. "This is going to continue," Shah said, citing the billion-dollar … Read more on Belleville News Democrat
Budget boosts funds for NJ drug courts
“If you're really going to talk about the shift from addiction to treatment, it's not just for those who get arrested,” said Roseanne Scotti, director of New Jersey Drug Policy Alliance, a national organization promoting progressive drug policies … Read more on Vineland Daily Journal
Tide slowly turning in Indiana's war against meth
As statistics in Madison County indicate, the impact of the illicit drug methamphetamine has devastated the community. In 2012, the … Judges are left to decide whether to punish offenders or give them a chance in problem-solving drug court. Meanwhile … Read more on Washington Times
One in ten hospital drugs cases due to cannabis
Official statistics showed that the drug accounted for 10.7 per cent of the 5,683 drugs-related discharges from hospital in 2012-13. The total … “Allowing the illegal substance that reputation can breed complacency among not only users, but … Read more on Scotsman (blog)
Soberistas social network helping women with alcohol problems beat the bottle
I'm also a mother of two with a husband, a home, a job and, until recently, a drink problem. I'm not … Instead of finding ourselves among a bunch of losers with an incurable disease – the stereotype, however unfairly, of the “recovering alcoholic … Read more on
Leahy: US Senate Judiciary Committee to hold hearing in Vt. on heroin problem
Federal statistics rank Vermont among the top 10 states for the abuse of painkillers and illicit drug use other than marijuana — including heroin — for people ages 18 to 25. Last month Gov. Peter Shumlin dedicated his State of the State address to … Read more on Greenfield Daily Reporter
Question by Henry Wood: My son is a drug addict. What should I do?
Oh no, my son is seriously addicted to so many drugs that it is scary. Just yesterday, I caught him huffing glue and trying to get high off of fertilizer. He also regularly likes to go out drinking drunk and recently got fired from his job because he went to work naked while he was smoking a blunt. I am scared for him. I tried talking to him last night, but he just shut the door on me and went back to smoking meth. Oh my gosh, help me!
Best answer:
Answer by AJ
drug rehab
if your lucky you might see charlie sheen
Add your own answer in the comments!
Cleveland drug court graduates get treatment program rather than jail time
“I really appreciate this program because it's given me the opportunity to fulfill my dream and go on with life.” Graduates from Cleveland's Drug Court heard a powerful message from a man who suffered with alcohol and drug addiction for more than two … Read more on
Drug treatment program unveiled in Rutland, may catch on here
BENNINGTON — The local state's attorney said she hopes to have a rapid drug addiction intervention program like one Gov. Peter Shumlin announced Monday in Rutland up and running in Bennington County this spring. Shumlin told the Banner that the … Read more on Bennington Banner