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Recovering Drug Addict Patrick Kennedy Now Leads Fight Against Legalizing

Recovering drug addict Patrick Kennedy now leads fight against legalizing
No stranger to substance abuse, Kennedy long ago made public his battle with depression and alcohol and drug abuse, including an addiction to the pain reliever OxyContin. In 2006, he fell asleep behind the wheel and crashed his car into a barrier near …
Read more on McClatchy Washington Bureau

Drug addiction in teens: ten warning signs
2. Avoidance of Social Activities An individual with a drug problem may lose interest and withdraw from social activities they used to enjoy, as all of their attention becomes focused on feeding their addiction and scoring their next fix. 3. Changes in …
Read more on Worcester Telegram

The Unlikely Force Driving Teen Prescription Drug Addiction: Parents?
Parents are reluctant to talk about drugs too early, but 20 percent of teens in the Partnership study were under 14 years old when they first tried drugs. Kids who start using drugs at a young age are more likely to struggle with addiction later in life.
Read more on Huffington Post

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