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Question About Self Harm Recovery?

Question by Victoria: Question about self harm recovery?
I’ve been a self harmer for 2 and a half years. I don’t plan to stop anytime soon but if I do, I have a few questions about it. –

If I got the urge to cut while trying to stop, what could I do?

I heard it was impossible to completely stop cutting.. Is that true?

Is it really hard to go through with the “recovery” like everyone says it is?

That’s only a few of all the questions I have but if I get some good answers, I might consider stopping. It’s ruining my life honestly. If it matters, I’m 14.

Sorry if this isn’t in the proper category!

Best answer:

Answer by Madison

I have self harmed for three and a half years and have recently stopped for a year and a half and I am free of urges now.

1.) It honestly depends on what kind of person you are. I talk on the phone to someone supportive. Some other ideas are drawing, writing, going running (a good kind of pain)…

2.) No that’s not true I haven’t for over a year and a half and I know people who have for longer.

3.) No you just need the right support system for me it was therapy and supportive people to talk to. (I don’t talk about the urge to cut just the problem I’m having and they work through it with me.)

I hope you stop cutting, good luck!


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