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Q&A: What Can My Doctor Do for Ambien Addiction?

Question by Amberly: What can my doctor do for ambien addiction?
I want to get off of ambien and sleep aids all together, but when I try to do it myself, I get extremely sick and can’t stop shaking and vomiting. If I make an appointment with my doctor, what can he do for me? I dont feel that my problem is big enough for “rehab”, but I definitely know that I need some sort of intervention.

Best answer:

Answer by Dexter Morgan
You can’t quit cold turkey. That is very bad for your body. You need to gradually reduce your intake and your body will become readjusted and no longer need it. Talk to your doctor about your desire to stop taking it, he will advise you how eventually quit. But you can’t just stop taking it all at once. Tell him the effects when you stop taking it. You need to GRADUALLY reduce your intake, most likely over a period of a month or two. I’m not a doctor but I know if you stop taking medication and try to quit cold turkey your body will react badly.

He can advise how to quit SAFELY and alternatives

Melatonin is a natural sleep aide that is non habit forming.

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