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Parents, Kids & Drug Abuse

Parents, kids & drug abuse
(%remaining%) Remaining Thanks for visiting With a free registration, you can view 9 free premium articles every 30 days. Unlimited access to our digital services is reserved for members. You have (%remaining_reg%) free premium … Read more on Frederick News Post (subscription)

Homewood gears up for marijuana forum: Featured speaker, drug policy expert
LEGALIZED POT INEVITABLE? POLL: THREE in 4 americans believe it's A matter of time In this Dec. 27, 2013, file photo, different strains of pot are displayed for sale at Medicine Man marijuana dispensary in Denver. Nationwide marijuana legalization … Read more on

DSS reports show grim circumstances of child deaths
The grandmother and boyfriend refused to take drug screens when requested after the death, DSS reported. That case is one of 14 child fatalities related to abuse and neglect posted recently on the DSS website as a result of efforts by the agency to … Read more on

Prescription drug use is a problem in schools …
Rick Allen, director of the Georgia Drugs and Narcotics Agency, also spoke to the students on Thursday and provided some statistics about prescription drugs in Georgia. There were 9.9 million tablets of hydrocodone and 4.9 million tablets of Xanax … Read more on Marietta Daily Journal

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