Memories of a heroin tragedy
Oftentimes people who struggle with drug addiction have little or no resources to account for the cost of drug rehabilitation programs. Paso Robles resident Monica Campbell, prompted by the death of her son, Ian, on Dec. 27, 2012 who lost his battle …
Read more on Paso Robles Press
School closings: The latest blow to neighborhoods already reeling from …
Two years ago, soon after he took office, Mayor Rahm Emanuel visited the neighborhood to announce a new effort to rehab vacant properties and rent or sell them to working families. He emphasized that the stakes were high, since empty buildings attract …
Read more on Chicago Reader (blog)
West Seattle Crime Watch: Suspected burglar arrested twice in one week …
Legalize drugs, free non violent, non dirtbag drug users and many low level sellers and use some of the savings from the reduced cost to incarcerate to create drug diversion and treatment and then use the rest of the savings to lock up the dirtbag drug …
Read more on West Seattle Blog (blog)
Tags: drug addiction, drug rehab, drug rehabilitation, paso robles