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How Do I Convince My Husband That I Need Inpatient Rehab for Alcoholism? He Insists That It Won’t Help Me.?

Question by Cindy: How do I convince my husband that I need inpatient rehab for alcoholism? He insists that it won’t help me.?
Because I tried outpatient rehab once and didn’t stick with it, he is positive that “rehab” of any sort would be a useless waste of money. I keep thinking of all the money I currently spend on wine…. This has been going on for three years, ever since I had gastric bypass and could no longer fulfill my food addiction. I apparently just replaced that addiction with the addiction to alcohol. ANY help would be appreciated!

Best answer:

Answer by Nick
I’m not really sure about the difference between the two, but my dad used to be an alcoholic before he was told he wouldn’t make it past 39 if he kept drinking. He has to take liver pills now.

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