Efforts to wipe out drug addiction in Ho Chi Minh City
Addicts may lose control without drugs during the first days in rehab centers, Le Ba Hoang, director of the Binh Trieu rehab center, said. It is planned that district-level courts in Ho Chi Minh City will have their first meetings early next month … Read more on Tuoitrenews
Thailand Highest in ASEAN for Drug Addiction
The justice minister, who expressed his concern that many users resort to drug abuse once again after returning from rehabilitation centers to their old environment, also called for a regrouping of diverse anti-drug laws under a single piece of … Read more on Chiang Rai Times
Drug detoxification resumes in Ho Chi Minh City after one year suspension
Drug addiction has never paused, but rehabilitation centers in Ho Chi Minh City were closed down for around a year due to accusations of human rights violations. But the centers have resumed working in the past three days after the passage of a … Read more on Tuoitrenews
Tags: drug abuse, drug addiction, drug detox, drug detoxification, rehab center, rehabilitation centers