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Can People Who Are in AA Get Special Treatment at Work?

Question by artiscolor: Can people who are in AA get special treatment at work?
If a person is stealing company time or money (small amount) and is involved in alcohol treatment receive different consequences than a non alcoholic employee? There is an employee at my work who is frequently late, no-call/no-show, clocks in without working for up to an hour, is stealing small amounts of merchandise, and is subject for termination. However, when complaints are made, employees are told by management that the “employee” is in treatment and by law they are not allowed to suspend or terminate the individual. Is this the lack of backbone in the company or the law in Massachusetts? Thank you.

Best answer:

Answer by rick j
They are getting to much special treatment. treatment and stealing are not they same thing

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Mike Dingman: Alcoholics need treatment, not a shrug or a scold
That interaction was part of a joke from the sit-com "Two and a Half Men" however; it rings true for so many, either publicly or very quietly in our society. Alcohol abuse is rampant in our state – and Alaska would seem to prefer to just ignore it … Read more on Anchorage Daily News


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