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AZ: Where Men Are Men and Women Are Chattel

AZ: Where men are men and women are chattel
Republican lawmakers, at the behest of the powerful Center for Arizona Policy, have decided that women contemplating abortions should not have available to them the most up-to-date medical treatment, but instead be forced into a procedure more invasive … Read more on Arizona Republic

St. Louis Agencies Rally To Prevent Child Abuse
A discussion about the prevention of child abuse, treatment for abused children and a citywide effort to raise awareness of the issue. … Like most crimes, child abuse is underreported said Pam Mousette, chief program officer at the Family Resource … Read more on St. Louis Public Radio

Obese Feds Will Now Have Their Diet Pills Covered
“We want to clarify that excluding weight loss drugs from FEHB coverage on the basis that obesity is a 'lifestyle' condition and not a medical one or that obesity treatment is 'cosmetic'– is not permissible,” OPM wrote in a March letter to carriers … Read more on

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