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Appearance Addiction”?

Question by prettyprincess476: Appearance Addiction”?
I’m self-conscious about my looks, especially when I am around my crush. I know I need stop being so hard on myself!
and I know i have a natraul beauty and i have a beauty mark on my face and a pretty face to prove it!?
How do i keep self-confidence in myself”? My crush dosen’t look at girls prettiness he looks at their personality, he’s sweet&shy while i’m a sociable sweetie who likes to have fun!

Best answer:

Answer by Murphys_Law
Umm… what’s the question again??!

Edit: Thanks for adding additional details.

When you start to get nervous about your personality say to yourself “There’s nothing wrong with me. Other people like me. If he doesn’t He’s an IDIOT and HE’S MISSING OUT.”

Think about all the things that you have going for you. All of your talents even if you view them as small or mediocre. Think of how you relate to your friends and just do that.

Sometimes you have to “fake it until you make it”. Even if your nervous continue to be amiable until you stop stressing and you two have a repore.

The worst thing he can do is say that he’s not into you. Its really not that bad if you think about it.

There are Billions of people on this planet. There are thousands of people that will think your hot… a couple hundred that will have the guts to talk to you… about 20 or 30 won’t punk out when it comes to telling you how they feel about you… and only 1 or 2 that you will really care about back.

That being said -Odds are this one ain’t it. And if he is he’ll recognize how awesome you are.

Until then just keep reminding yourself…

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