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Alcoholic … Genetic?…. and Help?

Question by JJC08082: alcoholic … genetic?…. and help?
Other than professional help and seeking out AA meetings, what can you do on your own to stop drinking alcohol? Also, what are the main signs of an alcoholic to you and is it generic?

Best answer:

Answer by [email protected]
An alchololic will drink at any time, day or night – even first thing in the morning. Ongoing over months and years.

The only one who can really help them to stop is themselves. Others can advise, but that is all.

I`m not sure about your `generic` question – but yes, the sign of someone being an alcoholic are pretty common.

Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!

Life-saving program to cure drug and alcohol addicts under scrutiny
However, chief executive of the Network of Alcohol and Drugs Agencies, Larry Pierce, said while involuntary treatment would always be required in some cases, he questioned whether the $ 5.7-million-a-year program offered ''the best value for money''. Read more on Sydney Morning Herald


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