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The Heroin Crisis and You: There's Plenty Community Can Do to Put Brakes on

The heroin crisis and you: There's plenty community can do to put brakes on
The Stark County Anti-Drug Coalition, a department of the Mental Health and Recovery Services Board, has collaborated with law enforcement throughout Stark County to establish 10 permanent drug drop-off locations: • Alliance … Addiction is a brain … Read more on Canton Repository

Drugs like Suboxone used to bridge recovery from addiction
Every case is different and there is division within the addiction community. Some believe drugs should not play a role, but others, like at Fairbanks, point to scientific studies which show that when properly administered to the right people with … Read more on WTHR

Father's group helps NH families cope with addiction
When his daughter missed a court date, a prosecutor and Burns convinced a judge his daughter needed to be held in a youth detention center because – as her numerous runaway attempts showed – she was a flight risk. That was the first time she … as a … Read more on Nashua Telegraph


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