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Is Homeopathy Really as Bad as Everyone on This Site Says It Is? I Used Homeopath Eyedrops for Dy Eye and It?

Question by : is homeopathy really as bad as everyone on this site says it is? i used homeopath eyedrops for dy eye and it?
made my eyes much worse. but menstrual cramp homeopath medicine works great for me each month.
so homeopath stuff works only in certain areas, but not others? what have your experiences with homeopath medicine been?

thanks for sharing

Best answer:

Answer by Mantra
Homeopathic remedies are used by millions of people daily. Despite what some people will try and tell you, it is a valid health therapy. It has a repeatable model of positive intervention in disease. It is not banned from practice in Western countries. The quality control process for homeopatic remedy is controlled by the FDA in the USA. The FDA in the USA has not banned the use of homeopathic remedies and preparations.

One of the principles of homeopathy is to treat the whole person and not the symptoms. Two people with the same ailment may get totally different remedies. It may be that the eye remedy that you used is not the right remedy for your specific condition. An experienced Homeopath will prepare remedies that are more linked to you as a holistic being.

Another principle is that the remedy stops working as soon as the condition has cleared up. The remedy does not do anything if it is not the right remedy. The use of the remedy for your eye condition cannot cause injury or cause inflammation.

A third principle is the treatment of like-with-like. This sometimes causes the symptoms to flare up more aggressively before the body gets into the groove of curing the condition. In your case, the eye drop made your eyes worse before the body’s own immune system kicked in. This doesn’t always happen with homeopathic remedies but can occur. Some people who drink alcohol in excess find that a small amount of alcohol in the morning helps with the alcohol poisoning. This is homeopathic approach to curing like-with-like.

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