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Is AA a Cult?

Question by Flamingo of Knowledge: Is AA a cult?
What goes on there and how do they keep people from drinking?

Best answer:

Answer by anna
doesnt AA stand for african american..?

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'Boarding' psychiatric patients in emergency departments is barbaric: Guest
Their lack of access to effective treatment can lead to self-medication with alcohol, prescription painkillers and illicit drugs. This, sadly, can lead to addiction, perpetuating a downward spiral. They return to the EDs, or end up in prison. We know … Read more on The Oregonian

Colorado, Utah move to raise smoking age to 21
Utah and Colorado lawmakers both voted favorably on proposals Thursday to treat tobacco like alcohol and take it away from 18- to 20-year-olds, a move inspired by new research on how many smokers start the habit as teenagers. “By raising the age limit, … Read more on Reno Gazette-Journal

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