Question by Lynette: Will a judge lift supervised visitation if their order is NOT followed? Why and how? PLEASE!?
Firstly, we’re in Washington state.
Secondly, I am the SOLE custodial parent-legal & physical.
Ex was ordered SUPERVISED visitation with children and to take a drug & alcohol evaluation, as well as a domestic violence evaluation and to “comply with all suggestions”-that is the order, it was written Sept. 2012.
Ex waits until a year later Sept and Oct 2013 to take evals, he fails BOTH, is referred to “58 week Batterers Intervention Programs” and “Intensive Out Patient” treatment, with random U.A.
Ex serves me with papers asking for UNsupervised visits now.
What are the LOOP holes, IF ANY, that would cause the SAME judge to change their mind and give UNsupervised visitation without him “complying with” the evaluators “suggestions”?
He’s incredibly smart, think Hitler, think loop holes and please share your answer!
Thank you!
@Babyboomer101-I’m not and have not handed my children over to him, he’d NEVER been UNSUPERVISED. It doesn’t say that here and that never happened, I don’t know why you said that part.
Best answer:
Answer by babyboomer1001
No, the judge will not lift the supervised visitation. Why is the other party handing over the child to the unsupervised parent? Nothing can be done if that person is stupid enough to do that.
Know better? Leave your own answer in the comments!