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What Does the Term “Chronic Addiction” Mean to You? What Images Do You Get When You Hear This Term?

Question by Laura: What does the term “chronic addiction” mean to you? What images do you get when you hear this term?
If a doctor writes the term “chronic addiction” into a patient’s chart, what would you think of that patient? What sort of person do you think a person with a “chronic addiction” diagnosis might be? What impressions will other doctors get of the patient if they see this term in the chart?

Best answer:

Answer by PINKY
Chronic just means ongoing. A disease or illness that will continue without medical treatment. As far as what other doctors may think, well was it a chronic drug addiction? Is so they will probably never prescribe you drugs like those unless absolutely neccessary.

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Nigella admits drug use, says no addiction
Celebrity chef Nigella Lawson said she has used cocaine multiple times in her life but called claims that she was a drug addict "absolutely ridiculous" when she testified in a London court Wednesday in a trial involving two of her former personal … Read more on


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