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How Do I Remove Deleted Files From My Laptop?

Question by Mr.LandHeart: How do I remove deleted files from my laptop?
I have let my husband use my laptop 3 different times in the past 6 months. EVERY TIME he gives me the computer back, he has performed a “system recovery” and returned the computer to it’s “out-of-box state” which supposedly deletes any and all information on the computer.

He used to have a serious porn addiction and I suspect he has picked up this old habit. After a system recovery, is there any way to recover any images? If so, how do I find them?
His reason for the recovery is always, “It had a really nasty virus”…

Best answer:

Answer by ramon2kool
you should try Recuva its a program that can recover deleted files here’s a link to download
i’ve used this program before and if its from the hard drive you better do a deep scan and your going to have to wait a long time

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